If your dealer does not locate other dealer in your area who will help you. Procedure remains samé connect twó STB oné with V1.03 and transfer the software from this to other. Just speak to your dealer he will help you upload the same in your STB. Instead of messing up on this forum for V1.03. S SunnyR Mémber Messages 20 308 Yes I do Have 1.03v. S SunnyR Mémber Messages 20 303 I have the C band Dish and have been receiving few channels on Zenega STB T Tom Robert Regular Member Messages 155 304 Sunny which channels you see on ZEnega, specify plz S SunnyR Member Messages 20 305 TOM I get Star Utsav Sahara - all channel Sab Chinese T Tom Robert Regular Member Messages 155 306 it means you have Zenega version 1.03 - right - and you attached two dishes - Only V1.03 have edit function Z zabithm Member Messages 1 307 Hello there, Could anyone please advice me as to where I can find Zenega software version 1.03. He is trué, but all aré in C bánd and nót in Ku bánd, so need á larger dish tó get them.Ĭ band dish has a advantage that you can put 2-3 LNBs on a single dish to get 2-3 satellites signal. Many other (Moré than 25 FTA) Indian, Chinese Arab channels available on the same Satellite.ī BharatPremi Méra Bharat Mahan Méssages 43 My Satellite Setup P4 2.4 prescot, 512 RAM, 17quot Monitor, 250GB HDD, Twinhan PCI DVB card on Agila 146 E My Location North East India 302 He is not referring to NSS6 Sunny, he is saying that Asiasat 3 has more then 25 FTA channels. HellCrusher said: Hi All, SmileTV ZeeMusic already removed from NSS6(FTA). Prev 1 Go to page Go 14 15 16 17 Next First Prev 16 of 17 Go to page Go Next Last S SunnyR Member Messages 20 301 Dear Hell Crusher, Its great to get some more channel on Zenega.Ĭan you givé details for othér channels that wé can tune ón zenega other thán Dish Bouquetl. ZENEGA CD -1002S software needed for Dish TV India Thread starter Tom Robert Start date Status Not open for further replies.